Our Serving & Teaching Faculty

Adriaan C. Neele The honorary chancellor, The President at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. PhD, University of Utrecht. Research Scholar and Digital Editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University.

Kenneth Minkema

The honorary adviser and visiting professor of EU and JEC Korea

PhD, University of Connecticut

Executive Director, Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University,

Professor at Yale University

Louis Champagne The Chancellor & Legal Advisor, The President at McKeithenRyland & Champagne, LA JD, Southern University, BS, Northwestern State University

Peter Boohong Jung The acting Chancellor, The Director, Jonathan Edwards Center Korea PhD, The University of Free State. PhD Research Scholar, Yale University. STM, Drew University, Chongshin Seminary, Kosin University

Our School Advisory Board (SAB)

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Seeking generous donor to honor Jonathan Edwards's legacy, support our school's mission. Contact us today. Love God, impact lives.

Jon Becker

PhD, ThM, BA, a graduate of Pensacola Christian College, Logos Christian College, Southwestern Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary. He is currently completing additional studies at Yale Divinity School in the area of Church History (Puritan History in Enfield and the Connecticut River Valley, 1630-1760)

Michael McClenahan

Principal & Prof., Union Theological College in Belfast. Ordained Presbyterian Minister. PhD, Jonathan Edwards studies; MA, Theology; BA, Jurisprudence, from the University of Oxford. https://www.union.ac.uk/staff/rev-professor-michael-mcclenahan

Anri Morimoto

PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary, Systematic Theology. 2001-Present Professor & Vice President for Academic Affairs, International Christian University. Visiting Professor, Princeton Theological Seminary; The University of Edinburgh; Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA

Jeffrey C. Waddington
PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary on Jonathan Edwards' apologetic.

The vice president, Reformed Forum

Graduate School of Theological Studies

American Studies

Richard Hall

Prof. in philosophy, Fayetteville State University, NC

PhD, University of Toronto,

MA, Dalhousie University,

BA, Boston University

President of Jonathan Edwards Society

Seng-Kong Tan
PhD in systematic theology at Princeton Theological Seminary under the supervision of George Hunsinger.

Professor at Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Singapore

Matthew McMahon

PhD, in Christian Intellectual Thought, & ThD, in Puritan Theology, Whitefield Theological Seminary, MATS, Reformed Theological Seminary, BA, Southeastern Bible College

Kamil Halambiec
PhD,Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University,

STM, Yale Divinity School

• Associate dean at the College of Theology and Social Sciences

• Research Fellow at Yale Youth Ministry Institute at Yale University Poland

• Studied at Harvard University

• Studied at Mattersey Hall Bible College

• Studied at Bangor University

Rhys Bezzant
ThD in Edwards, MTh, Ridley College

MA, BA, Uni. of Melbourne

Dean of Missional Leadership,

Lecturer in Christian Thought

Director, JEC for Australia

Author of

"Jonathan Edwards and the Church (Oxford, 2013)", "Edwards the Mentor (Oxford, 2019)."

Jeong Koo Jeon

PhD at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.

MAR and MDiv at Westminster Seminary California

BS in Humanities at Johns Hopkins University;

He is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

Adriaan C. Neele

PhD, University of Utrecht. Research Scholar and Digital Editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University.

The President & Professor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Kenneth Minkema

The honorary adviser and visiting professor of EU and JEC Korea

PhD, University of Connecticut

Executive Director, Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University,

Professor at Yale University

Seung-Goo Lee

PhD, M. Phil.,The University of St. Andrews, UK. Professor, Systematic Theology, Hapdong Theological Seminary. B.A., Chongshin University M. Ed., Seoul National University. M. Div., Hapdong Graduate School of Theology. Research Fellow, Yale University Divinity School

HoSub Shin
PhD, Reformed Theological Seminary ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary Study, Puritanism, London Theological Seminary
Professor, Koshin Theological Seminary
Byungha Kim
PhD, MA, in OT, University of Shefield.

MDiv, Chongshin Theological Seminary

Former assistant professor, Westminster Graduate School of Theology (Seoul)

Former lecturer, Manchester Intl Christian College.

Andy Ryu Park
PhD in OT, University of Pretoria

MA (cum laude) in OT, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

ThM in OT(cum laude), Calvin Theological Seminary

MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary

BA(cum laude), Bryan College

Prof. Evangelia University

Junhee Lee
PhD in OT, University of Toronto (University of St. Michael's College).

ThM in OT, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

MDiv, Biblical

Theological Seminary.

BA, Konkuk University, Hebrew Studies.

Ulpan of Mishmar HaSharon in Israel, Hebrew Studies.

Graduate School of Biblical Studies

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men wanted signage

Seeking Godly Old Testament Professor passionate about Jonathan Edwards's legacy, nurturing young minds. Apply now!

Sang Seop Eom

PhD in NT, Trinity College & Bristol University

MA, Providence Theological Seminary

MDiv.equ, Chongshin Theological Seminary

BS, Seoul National University

Lecturer, NT, Chongshin Theological Seminary

Representative, JDM Korea

Paul J. Jo

PhD in NT, MDiv, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, “The Narrative Art of the Gospel of John in Light of the Poetics of Old Testament.” Binghamton State University of New York. Lafayette High School, Brooklyn, NY. Jakarta Baptist Theological Seminary Postdoctoral study, Gateway Seminary

Jae Young Song
DTh in NT, University of The Free State.

ThM(cum laude) in NT, University of The Free State.

MDiv, Korea Theological Seminary.

Professor of Kangshin University.

Sug Ho Lee

Visiting scholar

PhD in NT, University of Pretoria

ThM, Trinity Western Uni.

MDiv, ThM, Chongshin Theological Seminary

BA, Korea Bible Uni.

Senior Pastor, DaeChung Prs Church

Yoonseok Lee
PhD in Systematic Theology, ThM, MDiv, Chongshin University.
PhD in Management Engineering, MS, BS, KAIST.
President of Seoul Institute for Evangelical Worldview.
Byoung Gi Noh
PhD, ThM, Yonsei University

MDive, Hapdong Theological Seminary BA, Chongshin University

Graduate School of Edwards Studies

Peter Boohong Jung

The acting Chancellor, The Director, Jonathan Edwards Center Korea PhD, The University of Free State. PhD Research Scholar, Yale University. STM, Drew University, Chongshin Seminary, Kosin University

Kyung Kyu Shin
D.Miss. in Edwards, Reformed Theological Seminary

M.A., Columbia Biblical Seminary

M.Div., Presbyterian Theological Seminary Korea

MBA, BBA, Seoul National University

Professor, Koshin University
Jeong Lee
PhD, in Theological and Historical Studies

MDiv, Torch Trinity Graduate University

BS, Seoul National University

Pastor, Beit-El, House of God

Lecturer, Hansarang Messianic Seminary

YoungRae Kim

PhD, Trinity International University;

ThM completed at Westminster Theological Seminary;

MDiv, Chongshin Theological Seminary,

BA, Asia United University

Dong-Soo Han
Visiting Scholar
PhD in Historical Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; ThM in NT Theology, Gordon-Conwell T. Seminary; MDiv, Chongshin Theological Seminary; BLL at Yonsei Uni.; Lecturer at Korean Bible University
2023---, Professor at Chongshin Theological Seminary
Ho Kwon
Visiting Scholar

PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

ThM, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

MDiv, Chongshin Theological Seminary

Professor, Homiletics, Hapdong Theological SeminaryHo Kwon

Yon Soo Kim

PhD/MDiv, Hapdong Theological Seminary

ThM, Fuller Theological Seminary

MA, University of Texas at Arlington

Vice President of AETA

Former Wycliffe Bible Translators Missionary in Indonesia

Former Professor of Handong Global University

Seungho Choi
PhD, Kosin University: “A Study of Sermon Comprehension between Preacher and Audience -on the basis of Gadamer`s Philosophical Hermeneutics”

MDiv, Chongshin University

MA, Education, Korea University

Proffessor, Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology

Graduate School of

Bible Exegisis & Preaching

Sung Wook Kim

Visiting Scholar

PhD, Reformed Theological Seminary

DMiss, Reformed Theological Seminary

ThM, Reformed Theological Seminary

Professor of Missiology, Chongshin University

Graduate School of
Mission & Business
Kyung Kyu Shin
D.Miss. in Edwards, Reformed Theological Seminary

M.A., Columbia Biblical Seminary

M.Div., Presbyterian Theological Seminary Korea

MBA, BBA, Seoul National University

Professor, Koshin University
Nelson Jennings
Visiting Scholar & Professor, Missiology

Mission Pastor & Consultant, Int'l Liaison at Onnuri Church(온누리교회)

PhD, University of Edinburgh

MDiv, Covenant Seminary

Former Director at OMSC

Former Professor, Covenant Theological Seminary

Former Professor, Tokyo Christian University

Hayoung Choi

Dean, and the President, Central Asia United Seminary

PhD, ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary in Seoul

M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary

BE, Hanyang University

Missionary in Uk Kaz Uz Ru

Chair, Int'l. Regional Research

Yoonseok Lee
PhD in Systematic Theology, ThM, MDiv, Chongshin University

PhD in Management Engineering, MS, BS, KAIST

Director of Christian School Research Center, Eagle Christian School

Youngsoon Huh Kim
PhD, MA, Fuller Theological Seminary.
BA, Korea Baptist Theological Seminary.
Professor, vangelical Mission College.

GMS missionary, Philippines

John Junsung Lee
PhD, Candidate, Prodola
MA, Fuller Theological Seminary.

President, Seminario Todas La Naciones.

Director of Latin American Program at World Mission Uni.
Paul Taidoo Kim

PhD in Family Ministry/Biblical Counseling, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS)

MA in Marriage and Family Counseling & MA in Christian Education, SWBTS

MDiv, BA, Chongshin University

Graduate School of
Family & Counselling
Min Soo Choi
PhD, University of Pretoria

ThM, Calvin Theological Seminary

Internship, Pine Rest Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI

ThM, Mdiv.e, Chongshin Theological Seminary

Visiting Scholar, Fuller Theological Seminary

Prof. Seoul Christian University

TaeKyun Oh
Visiting Scholar

PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.Div. Chongshin Theological Seminary

He is an associate professor of Chongshin University and the founder and president of Korea Society of Christian Family Counselling since 2003

Jichan J. Kim

Visiting Scholar Ph.D. &M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ed.M., Harvard University

M.Div. & M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

B.A., City College of New York

Associate Professor of Psychology, Liberty University

Grace Hwang Kaye
Master of Theological Studies at Tyndale Seminary

Doctor of Dental Surgery at University of Toronto

Dr. Grace Hwang Kaye is an international speaker and has published

An Intimate Journey in Union with Christ

HyungJoon Jun
PhD, in Pastoral Counseling, Chongshin University.

D.Min, in in Pastoral Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary. Professor of Biblical Counselling and Preaching, Baekseok University.

Kyung Ahe Lee
PhD, Ewha Womans University

MA in counselling psychology, Ewha Uni.

Adjunct Professor at Ewha Womans University, Director of Yeeun Psychological Counseling Education Center

JongWon SONG
PhD, in Counseling Educational and Psychology, Busan National University.

MA, in Special Education, Daegu University

Former Missionary in Albania

Prof. Busan Digital University