Free Open Lectures

Enhance Your Theological Studies

Explore our collection of exceptional lectures, designed to lay a strong foundation for your major and broaden your theological understanding. Gain the insights and inspiration you need to excel in your studies and research through these stimulating and valuable resources.

An Introduction on Jonathan Edwards
by Bruce W. Gore, J.D. He is a respected lawyer, historian, and scholar who teaches and lectures frequently on biblical issues and theology.

Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Post-Millennialism

By Bruce W. Gore

Jonathan Edwards: The Life, the Man, and the Legacy

By Iain Murray


5. Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Post-Millennialism 39:40 6. The Age of Reason, 2nd Great Awakening, and Millerism 41:31

George Whitefield

By Bruce W. Gore

Jonathan Edwards

by J I Packer

John Locke
By Bruce W. Gore
Innovative Architecture Solutions

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American Puritanism (I) by Cyrus Patell, NYU

Featuring discussions of typology; John Calvin; Arminianism; materialism and idealism; phenomenal vs. noumenal; Puritan "plain style"; the form of the Puritan sermons; the Great Migration; William Bradford; and John Winthrop.

American Puritanism (II)

by Cyrus Patell, NYU

Featuring discussions of Anne Hutchinson and Antinomianism; preparationism; justification vs. sanctification ; morphology of conversion; The "Half-Way Covenant"; election sermons; the jeremiad; and Mary Rowlandson.

American Puritanism (III)

by Cyrus Patell, NYU

Featuring discussions of Puritan poetry; The Bay Psalm Book; English metaphysical poetry, including John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw; Samuel Johnson on Wit; intertextuality; paratext; Michael Wigglesworth; Anne Bradstreet; and Edward Taylor.