Our Doctrinal Statement

Edwards University stands unwaveringly in the Calvinist tradition, steadfast in our commitment to the infallibility of the Word of God. Our doctrinal beliefs are firmly rooted in the inspired Old and New Testaments, unequivocally affirming them as the flawless and authoritative revelation of God to humanity. We hold fast to the sovereignty of God in salvation, recognizing His electing grace and the absolute authority of His Word in all matters of faith and practice.

We affirm the following core tenets of the Christian faith:

  1. Miraculous Virgin Birth: We affirm the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ, as prophesied in Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14, acknowledging Him as Immanuel, "God with us."

  2. Sinless Life: Embracing Hebrews 4:15, we uphold the sinless life of Jesus Christ, recognizing Him as our perfect High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses yet was without sin.

  3. Atoning Death: Our faith rests solely in the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross, in accordance with 1 John 4:10, as the ultimate manifestation of God's love for His elect.

  4. Bodily Resurrection: We confess the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, in line with Luke 24:6, as a pivotal event securing our hope in the resurrection to come.

  5. The Holy Trinity: Affirming the Holy Trinity—God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—based on Matthew 3:16-17, we acknowledge the sovereign unity and distinctiveness of each person in the Godhead.

  6. Second Coming: Our anticipation aligns with the second coming of Jesus Christ, as outlined in Acts 1:10-11, with the assurance that He will return to consummate His kingdom and gather His elect.

  7. Heaven Prepared for the Elect: We believe in the existence of Heaven, prepared for the elect in Jesus Christ, according to John 14:1-4, where they will enjoy eternal fellowship with their Savior.

  8. Hell for the Reprobate: Acknowledging the reality of Hell for the reprobate, as depicted in Luke 16:19-30, we affirm the justice of God's judgment against sin and rebellion.

  9. Salvation by Grace Alone: Affirming Ephesians 2:8-9, we declare that salvation is by God's sovereign grace alone, received through faith as a gift, not by human merit or works.

  10. The Great Commission: We embrace the Great Commission given by Christ to His elect, as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, commissioning us to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of all nations, trusting in God's sovereign work of regeneration.

  11. God's Electing Love and Irresistible Grace: Rooted in Romans 5:8, we celebrate God's electing love demonstrated through Christ's sacrificial death, and we affirm His irresistible grace that draws His chosen ones to repentance and faith.

At Edwards University, our doctrinal foundation shapes our educational approach, fostering a community devoted to the teachings of Calvinism.