Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarships

a. Scholarship
Since this school is fully dedicated to developing and training future Christian scholars and leaders. The scholarships are funded by mission-minded churches and individuals who are concerned for the revitalizing local Christian ministry and oversea mission through EU. Application for scholarship must be submitted with the application for admission. And if you apply for a special scholarship to reduce tuition by some percent for pastors and missionaries and for those candidates, you would be given it in consideration of your circumstances.

b. Work Study: Limited to fund availability. Upon the approval of the Administrator, student is allowed to work up to 15 hours each week. Payments are automatically credited towards tuition fee of the following quarter.

c. Teaching Assistantship: Limited to fund availability. Upon the approval of the Academic Dean, TAs are allowed to work up to 15 hours each week or equivalent to 150 hours per semester. Payments are automatically credited towards tuition fee. Criteria for scholarship award the following shall serve as general criteria for the award of scholarship: financial needs, ministerial experience, and special merits.

Designated funds for Research and Writing and Translating

Duration and Conditions of Scholarship:

1. All scholarships, grants or financial aid are renewed annually for the duration of the study within the designated program, provided the recipient remains in good standing as stipulated on the conditions of the awarding of the scholarship. Recipients’ performance is reviewed annually.

2. The maximum length of the duration of scholarship is two years for a master's program and three years for a doctoral program. When additional courses are pre-requisite for the degree, the scholarship can be extended to a maximum of three years. Any scholarship for other degrees has a maximum duration of three years.

Simple and transparent rates. Tuition is fixed per quarter and there are no additional hidden fees that can add up to thousands of dollars. Have peace of mind planning around one number each term.Trimester

Bachelor's $2000 / per trimester

Master's $2200 / per trimester

Doctor's $2500 / per trimester

Integrated Master with Bachelor or Doctor

$ 2400 per trimester

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building